Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kirkland Sofa Dog Beds


was about bikes, now about something that is often a nightmare for cyclists and pedestrians (and sometimes even the drivers) - scootmobiel .
Scootmobiel , three, four and even five-(since 2008), wheeled scooter with electric drive, which serves disabled and / or people with limited mobility to move around. So thanks to this machine, these people are not excluded from society: they can own shop, visit friends, go for a walk, or - as needed - on a visit to the doctor. The first models who wore the label of wheelchairs, were uncomfortable and stiff, have limited speed and range. By the Dutch did not really love them. The maximum speed that modern scootmobiel growing is about 19 km / h and its range is 100km. It is also much more convenient, so that over time has become a favorite means of transport. Even those who, without getting stuck in traffic in the city want to be in a comfortable way to get to work or simply to travel (but should be noted here that the version for "normal" people is a bit different, and different rules apply to them). Whole scootmobielen in the Netherlands recently increased dramatically by the fact that the municipalities within the framework of the years 1994-2006 " Wet voorzieningen gehandicapten ", ie the law defining the equipment to ensure that municipalities are disabled, have share these modern machines elderly and needy.

The most fitting scootmobielen are two twelve volt batteries power the electric motor 24 volt . These batteries, under normal use and can withstand up to 5 years. Speed \u200b\u200bis controlled by a pedal, handle or potentiometer. user of the machine is both a driver and need to stick to certain rules. For example, can not use the roads on which to move bikes and mopeds are prohibited. Scootmobiel in the Netherlands can therefore run on: road, path (moto) bike and sidewalk. Although there has such a daredevil, who went scootmobielem on the highway. Scooter on the sidewalk you should behave as a pedestrian and his speed can not exceed 6 km / h. Scootmobielen have access to supermarkets, shopping centers (their favorite place - mostly concentrated in the vicinity cafes, barykadując other people go) and hospitals. Therefore, one has the impression that they are EVERYWHERE (remember how my dad during his last stay in the Netherlands very surprised asked why everywhere have plenty: P). In the case of ordinary shops or public buildings (such as a museum), or communal, it is often necessary to leave the scooter outside. Moreover scootmobilistów spaces lighting equipment at night.

the days when scootmobielen was little, it was not with them more problems. Today is a bit different - scootmobiliści become very annoying. Because of their status, they often feel the most important unit on the road and feel that they have everywhere prevail. In addition, as already mentioned, their favorite pastime is to block other traffic, and if you use a bicycle bell on them, I will send you a murderous eyes and (sometimes) a few unkind words. Another problem with this vehicle is obesity. Obese people have mobility problems, or qualify for a group of people who can use a scooter. As soon as the machine get it and get on with it already does not go down - go anywhere, reducing their natural movements to a minimum. This contributes to increase their weight. Another thing worth a look nadmienienia some scootmobielen - their users liking to adorn their machines in a variety of puppets, cloth, trinkets, etc.. Kitsch, which can not look up.

Invention of the Netherlands is so much that in recent years, scootmobilowe clubs that organize special route for these machines. It is as if you slice it, the solution of interest because the narrow bike lanes are often hard to such a person śmigającą scootmobilem bypass, and the streets must be very careful to not enter into it. This accident was not so long ago in Enschede - an older woman riding scootmobilem forced prevail and drove into her new hybrid bus. Today the newspaper came to know that this woman as a result of injuries she died ... So, in truth, may, instead of spending money on a new path for scootmobielen worth to organize training with the traffic rules for people who use these vehicles? Or introduce any compulsory "license" ..?


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