Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blurry Vision & Tingly Fingers


Afstuderen to nic innego jak ukończenie wyższych studiów. W zasadzie obrona połączona the graduation ceremony in the form of a diploma with a mark. Like us, these are two separate things, so in the Netherlands there is no such thing as an official ceremony of handing out diplomas.
Although our afstuderen yet wait a little: P but I had the pleasure to participate in three other afstuderen (and one defense of the thesis, but that is another story), which took place at the same University - Universiteit Twente . From what I know, afstuderen look for other schools a bit different, but some of its elements are the same everywhere. First of all, everything is done in English. In the Netherlands, subjects are taught Master's degree in English, written in that language is also the thesis. The defense consists of an open * to the public (usually close family and invited friends), 20-25 minutes of presentation followed by a "round" of questions and answers. Also in English. Questions are asked of both the public and carers work. When the questions are exhausted, the guardian go on a short or long conference. After returning not long speech he delivers a promoter, including this looked like the student's work, and reveals scores. The Dutch have a slightly different rating system - the lowest rating on the credit is 6, which translates to our satisfactory, the highest is 10 = + / - our very good. Then the promoter congratulates the student / graduate, then they sign a certificate and a copy. Followed by a series of photos, thanks to the master and the eventual handing over of gifts caregivers. This is the end part of the official and contact with the university.

After defending it comes time to celebrate. The divergence in form and appearance of this part is already bigger - graduates have full flexibility in where they want to organize a party and decide whether it will only drink something with interest and chat ( borrel ), whether this will have some dinner. Some hold first borrel for all present at the defense (the promoter / s, where co-operation with them, proceeded without objections), then take the family for dinner. Others arrange for all the celebrations większększe hektolitrami% of beverages and food pounds. Everything depends on the thickness of the portfolio thesis / ego and / or the degree of satisfaction of his / her parents) It happens that this event is celebrated on another day - for example, if someone important to graduate that day could not come.

In celebration (and sometimes after the defense, still in the building of the university) to come up graduate invited persons, offer him congratulations and give presents. Typically, the afstuderen are present in a person with whom the culprit worked in the past, organizations, committees, councils, student self-government, etc.. who prepare their own presentation - memories in the form of funny photos (not always cause a smile on the faces of parents) and anecdotes. Then they all more or less equal pace, but with full bellies, they go to their homes.

graduate next day, if he has a job, goes to work. If there is no work, or her looks, or go on a journey around the world ...

* I guess that the work subject to an embargo ( for example, because of the confidentiality of its contents).


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