Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Do I Order A New Trash Can For My Home

in Holland Bike / Bicycle in the Netherlands

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In response to post by a friend on the opening season of cycling, I decided to write the same thing about bicycles in the Netherlands. It is high time;)

During my visit to Erasmus in the Dutch city of Nijmegen (2009/2010) the course " history, politics and culture of the Netherlands " together with three other female students napisałyśmy article about bicycles in the Netherlands. This article was later posted in the store Fri Oranje Boven ! , which also included other work related to the topic of the Netherlands. The whole article (English) attached to the post, and here's some his translated excerpts.

What first comes to our mind when we hear the word "Holland"? Probably windmills, tulips and clogs. Rarely do we think about the bike, which is after all a very important part of Dutch culture. That's bicycles ( fietsen ), path Bike ( fietspaden ) and a huge bicycle parking at railway stations ( fietsenstallingen ) are the first things that stare us in the eye after arriving in the Netherlands. Even more shocking is for us Holenderki view with two children (in the basket at the front and back of a bicycle saddle) and a huge shopping bags on both sides of the steering wheel ... Sami also drove in the trunk bicycle things, such as a huge gas stove (CD, no oven: P), swivel chair, or 2.5-meter plastic vertical blinds.

Although this is not the Dutch built the first bike ( prototype was made in Germany, a name invented by the French), it is the Netherlands is today one of the few countries in which Cycling is a safe and practical way to travel. In a country that has more than 18 million cycles (more than men), of which more than 750,000 just in the heart of Amsterdam. Every household has at least one bike, and every Dutchman learns to ride already in childhood. carried out on the bike about 27% of daily trips, of which the Dutch most often choose a bike on the road to 7.5 km. More (very interesting! -> I recommend!) Statistics can be found at fietsberaad.nl .

Cycling is popular in the Netherlands due to a combination of several "friendly bicycles" factors. This country is small and flat, and therefore travel on bikes in the range of physical capabilities of almost every person. Cycling is also cheap and has low requirements. With the pro-cycling policies and programs to popularize cycling, which are placed here since the 70s, the Netherlands, cyclists have priority over transportation motorized. To the extent that, for example in the case of a collision with a car driver of the car bears a blame for the accident. Infrastructure for bikes is very complex and varied. In the city bike paths are usually between the street and the sidewalk and are marked in red, while outside the center are often the separate route away from main roads are wide and run mainly by green areas. Additionally, traffic lights are designed in such a way that cyclists are not interfering with the car at the intersection. Cycling is so safe, fun and fast. Therefore, the Dutch for a short route - to school, work or shopping - prefer to choose a bike, regardless of the weather (" door weer en wind ). The only problem that Dutch society is constantly struggling, the theft of bicycles (with parking lots, garages, shop or home before, etc...) But it still does not deter the Dutch to this method of travel.

benefits of cycling for an individual user :
  • mobility - are moving faster than walking, avoid traffic jams, do not waste time parking;
  • health - if you ride regularly, you maintain good health, you maintain (or even lose) weight, reduce the risk of heart disease and have a chance to extend your life!;
  • relax - Cycling is a stress reduction and prevention of depression, and being outdoors can help to improve productivity at school or work;
  • save time and money - no taxes, free parking, no you need to refuel, if any repair is fast and does not cost too much, saving on the voucher as a gym / aerobics;
  • cycling is cool;)
benefits for society (a bit stretched: P) :
  • prosperity - some new research shows that the increasing dependence on cars hit the economy: spending money on cars and the infrastructure means less money in our pockets and the state budget, in addition, the use of public transport is expensive and you can still get stuck in traffic, regular use of bicycles can also lead to a reduction in medical costs;
  • better quality of life - less traffic congestion, the silence of the city are cleaner and greener;
  • community building - family outings, people in cars are isolated from each other, unlike a bicycle is an ideal means to "open" to the environment;
  • inclusion of this older - safe bike lanes encourage seniors to leave the house , visiting friends and generally active participation in society;
Environmental Benefits:
  • Decreasing air and water pollution;
  • saving energy.

on the "Poland on the bike," you can see an interesting movie about cycling in the Netherlands - hour after hour.

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During my stay for Erasmus in the Dutch city of Nijmegen (2009/2010), together with my three friends (thanks girls!) wrote in an article about cycling in the Netherlands. It was an assignment for our course " Dutch history, politics and culture ". Our article, as well as lots of other articles about the Netherlands, were published in a magazine Oranje boven!  which we got at the end of our course. You can read our article here:  " Travelling in the Netherlands by bike ". Moreover, on the website  fietsberaad.nl  you can find lots of (very!) interesting statistics and more information about the bicycle in the Netherlands. Enjoy :)

Btw - I know that the above Polish text is much longer, but that is the translation of the article :P


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