Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hard Coughing Taste Blood

Scout 1 / 35 2011 Mosonmagyaróvár

Byczenia quite (well, almost, goes Picnic / grillówka) - throw in the workshop and Carrierka Marder III.
history of how it happens to me random ...
started from the figure under which blinded the stand (so quietly - and good) - zbabrałem melting in the oven, I wanted something else only "under it" - I caught you ever begun Marder, a base (so ugly, that beautiful), but still something was missing. I chose a small but interesting vehicle Carrier. I already had a plaque to him, so went into the building to try flashing. Was lost a bit on the background of the destroyer ruined it a bit and decided to reach the top. Of course, will also figure, the Poles. The vehicle with the markings PL, fictional.
I do not want to mess in the literature and applied poprawki, więc nieco zwymyślony.
Zarys wstępny przedstawia się takoż:


Myślę, że dość ciekawie to wygląda na tym etapie. Co będzie później czas pokaże.
A, bo nie dodałem - figurka od której się zaczęło finalnie nie wystąpi.
Była celem a stała się przyczynkiem, dziwne...


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Similarities Reality Television

Number 189 - Shawn Mullins Yellow Dog Song "

glance at a few random posts on my blog is enough to conclude that uncomplicated music prevails: worn emotions often isolated strikes the strings of guitars, keyboards plumkaniami simple, steady rhythm. This does not mean that formally reject the more complicated things - everyone likes to be in the end sometimes boast that they listened to music the equivalent of "Ulysses," Joyce. But it is not that part of the music is a mirror of my soul.

Apparently tastes are to some extent genetically determined - but what can I say that my tastes, my parents and brother so dramatically different and speaks to us, completely different music? Sometimes the reason for entertaining family squabbles, when each of us is trying to convince others of his genius discovered a piece.

If I let my brother, "Yellow Dog Song "pokiwałby head with understanding and tried to show interest, but I know that the mandolin and the rural atmosphere of this song would have persuaded him not well enough to later heard the it alone. Have changed and I talked about, rather of the best texts Bender with Future or mentioned that bought us, "Cherries in Beer." And as for "Cherry in Beer" agree exactly 5.2 percent.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Programing A Star Choice Remote


On the second day of Christmas, we went to Choroszcz:) This is a small village near Bialystok, in which there is a beautiful palace Branicki (summer residence) and the park. It was nice to walk in such a lovely spring atmosphere. Mercury eventually exceeded 20 degrees:) I was wearing pants and a purse that I bought online store MANGO - about which I wrote in an earlier post . Madzia while wearing the pants MANGO, top and sweater CARRY - a shopping cart that can surprise, not once cool stuff at good prices! Photos, traditionally, made Luke! Another post will put maybe from Italy, unless of course you'll have the opportunity, because I'm leaving today. Yours!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Airsoft Pulse R76 Fully Upgraded

Merry Christmas! Online Shopping

On Saturday we went to the Madzia and Luke the Market Kosciusko to dedicate foods. It was an ecumenical meeting at which they were both Orthodox and Catholics. I was surprised by the presence of such a large group:) In the meantime, I was able to even give a short interview for TVP Białystok:) wrap, which I wore, I could buy for 20 zł for H & M designs The price was very attractive, especially because the restatement has cost 130 zł!
In connection with the Christmas wish for everyone who visits my blog a lot joy and happiness every day! Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spray Paint Wwe Belt Replica-nwo Gold Plate


MANGO is one of my favorite stores online. I believe that the materials and execution of clothing exceeds the quality of such ZARYA. Therefore, often look in the website shop - , and more recently crush on a few things so much that I decided to make a purchase. It was not easy because, to make purchases in MANGO SHOP ONLINE you must have a credit card (which so far I have not.) With the help of my brother in law came to me (Marco pozdrawiam:)), which paid for my purchases, and I did I pay him money europrzelewem bank. The great advantage is that the purchases came to me literally in two days, were solidly packed, and even waited in the gift package as a "shopper bag" sign firmowanej MANGO:) Anyway, I recommend to all those who are hesitating because purchase online MANGO is a pure pleasure! I decided on a bag, wallet and pants (a bit lengthy - to shorten, but in a prettier color than the photo:)) And here's my acquisitions:


www .



Why Would A Dogs Nose And Lips Peel

I po wycieczce...Cześć !
Bardzo zadowolonym, liznąłem Wiednia, and his wife watched a few (hundred) images have been watching on TV somewhere, book or other places. ... The beautiful architecture, and simply no words!
As with Prague - a week is not enough for the city to explore on the boards ... from stone to stone: P
Since Györ was some 50km away from Mason, and there a bit pooglądałem.
I found a model shop, unfortunately okazałbył to be a typical RC (sign Tamiya) attracted anyway.
Next - I'm fascinated by the plants, something amazing!
not fail to gather weeds to their work, but forgot to bring your fishing rod (
On days powstawiam bit images (such as from Prague, I was always chasing time, sorry)
As for me, a big, a lot of models.
Total did not see, unfortunately.
issuing their work suggested a list of classes is not what is on the tables, (helped my wife, I was writing Ada filled the following tables).
In some cases, I made a mistake in issuing, jumped tracks in one model, the head flew figurkom August, also gave me Prohibition in the bone.
wood veneer, napuchła on the one hand ... how?
I have no idea.
more or less by chance I met a number of modellers, from whom I heard a few nice words at their work, it is nice (now writing), on the spot I was just stupid and did not really know how to zachować.Otrzymałem few calls here and there, I offered some help in painting figures - certainly would use!
Hungarians themselves are nice people (at least those whom I met) pychota Food, beer, too.
professions. Models
weak it just was not (unless mine), I have heard that enough ... I do not know it was my first time so I do not have the scale porównawczej.Jak mentioned earlier did not saw anything, but I've seen were great!
Oscar, my dears, has won two of the medal!
Gold for the Crocodile (this I expected) - commonly wykosił his year in 1935, and in 1972 it was slightly worse (such a blessing in disguise) for bronze. (Or as I call it the second loser)
I do not know what terms I am happy about that - may want to continue to model - I see a bright future for him!
"do not want to let it, but I need" - that I exhibited
dud in the category of others. Tank on the absence of the same civilians it away so I decided to leave in the category different to fight with everything possible - and surprisingly won!?
Collecting figurines found "something" into his own, then ask his colleagues what was going on, maybe someone left by accident, forgot, I heard - you have singled out Hungary. It turned out that fell on the types of models / work in their view, deserved award and leave Ensolv next to them. Summing
returned with a shield, with a hint of one foot on it;)
two gold, one bronze and gold award
Crocodile 1 / 35
Prohibition Gold 1 / 35
Halftrack Bronze 1 / 72
Distinction Crabbuster

sorry chaos in the text.
not explain whether this noise maker in the head, which I did not drink for six days, and still wreaking havoc in his head ... or thronging impressions still can not concentrate.
Regards Rafal Jankowski

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Silk Boutonnieres Silk Calla Lilies Boutonniere?

Spring in Enschede

Today will be a lot of pictures again:) We went for a long walk, whose main goal was to feed the ducks. Unfortunately, too many ducks was not, but satisfied with bread for fish. And the way we have seen such miracles of spring here:

Tulips grow, unfortunately only in private gardens, so I do not have more pictures, (