Monday, May 9, 2011

Post Menapausal Running Bleeding

Number 187 - Garbage "I Think I'm Paranoid" break-

Rather, I'm not the type of collector. Not about storage cans. I had only transient episodes of pictures Rubber Turbo and Donald Duck. The set of caps and was dictated by practical considerations - you can not play the caps without caps.

Discs and tapes have never been gathering on a regular basis, rather at random. Here one, there another, and they enjoyed the most hunted on occasion - it was me that even today, and when a few weeks ago I bought the original "Discovery" Daft Punk at exceptionally low price, as excited as a child. Like the task easier Ebay and Allegro, but nothing can replace the pleasure of looking to dig himself an album of dusty compartments shop located on the street, which already looks very few people. Heaven Sends

and heaven takes - some records were lost forever friend friend friend borrowed. Some indulged freely and never had a problem with this form of music sharing, provided, however, a small condition: I indulged it to the person who needed it in somewhat more than I do. Let go of the music in circulation, give it away like a sincere gesture of friendship - in this form to pursue my idealistic dreams of world peace.

For some time I wonder if my daughter will have the benefit of my collection and will be discovered there things, as I once discovered in szpulo kasetografii-and my dad. My first in the collection plate, czteroutworowy single, packaged in a thin, have already scratched the box, with green-yellow envelope I'll put the cover for her for sure.


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