Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cigarette Burn Car Seat

FIAT 500

to travel to Tuscany, we went exploring options for rental car. It was a rather spontaneous decision, but after analyzing the expenses (comparing travel by car and train), we have come to the conclusion that the best rozwiazanie. Pociagi we Wloszech sa dosc drogie, a do tego dochodzi stracony czas i zwiazanie z rozkladem jazdy :) Auto daje niezaleznosc i mobilnosc. Po poszukiwaniach i porownaniu ofert, zdecydowalismy sie na AVIS.  Wypozyczalnia ta miala jasne reguly, brak ukrytych kosztow i dobra cene. Samochod wynajelismy przez polska strone www , gdzie nie jest wymagana przedplata, dane z karty kredytowej ani zaliczka.
To co warto wiedziec, to na pewno informacja, ze do wypozyczenia auta niezbedna jest karta kredytowa wypukla. Poza tym, dodatkowe koszty dotycza kierowcow ponizej 25 roku zycia, lub gdy oddajemy samochod w innym miescie niz miejsce wypozyczenia. Natomiast przed zwrotem, warto zatankowac bak do pelna, aby uniknac oplaty zwiazanej service reservoir to the full complement of AVIS. We rented a car at the airport at Forli (in Bologna) and We gave at the airport in Genoa. The process
rent a car is only a formality, we give you a window no reservation, proof of identity and credit card (verified its authenticity and the available limit). We wanted a small, economical car (category A) - that became part of FIAT PANDA, FIAT 500, the Lancia Ypsilon. My joy was indescribable when it turned out that we found our red Fiat 500:) Driving through Italy is a big challenge, but Lukas is a great driver, also we were able to pay the car is in perfect condition:) But driving through Florence, it really was "riding on odpietych rink "for Italians since it does not matter the fact that they are painted on two lanes - are free to eat after 3 car plus scooter next to each other:)
return the car is also a formality, a nice gentleman from AVIS car had seen" roughly "and checked the filling Baku.
Photos we took on the way from Forli to Tuscany, it was pretty cloudy, but later you rozpogodzilo. I include myself another trophy on clearance at H & M - cardigan for £ 20 and watch companies GUESS, who already has many, many years :)



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