Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hybridization Of Clf2

cozy place to walk around the building

The day started as usual: wake up, awaiting the preparation of breakfast on the slice of cucumber (it was not the English cucumber, but I just washed). Then a nap, out for a morning walk, bowl, carrot (or a well-washed) for dessert. Been left on the balcony of a little, shook up after the pet corners, that's so boring as always, the routine. While I always hope there will be some deviation from the norm. And that you may be in the house and I could do in his legs into a ball and sleep happy, and he only can you throw garbage and come back in 5 minutes, not per pair godzin? Oj, torba w ręku, klucz w użyciu, czyli mam przed sobą tzw czas wolny. Mówiąc wprost, pora znaleźć wygodne miejsce na drzemkę.
I tak dziś się kręcę i zastanawiam gdzie będzie najlepiej poleżeć. Przy kanapach? Nie.. tam lubię tylko leżeć jak ktoś okupuje kanapy. U siebie w pokoju? Nieee tam później sobie pójdę. O, może do sypialni, za łóżkiem, z widokiem na skwerki. Coś się zbiera na burzę, będzie lało, wieje tak, że zasłonka łaskocze mnie po sznupie. Lepiej pójdę poleżeć w inne miejsce. I dobrze zrobiłem, bo wiatr nagle się zerwał i drzwi z the bedroom is closed with a bang. Ha, ha but I'm smart, I could go out on time. However, it has a sense of time ;-) Maybe
chlipnę a little water, Fr. what a surprise, the door to the small bathrooms are repealed ..
And there, after my little dog paradise - a sack of dog food. And can not come, there's always close their doors and I do not like them back open. I know I stand in the doorway, and a look around.
is cleaner, crates of drinks - but stuffed it here, rolls of paper - now I'm not interested, as an adult I am ;-), is, and my bag of food .. Opened!!
Interesting. From what this bag is made, it will not bend the material, how do I reach the food. There is no access, no you can not. What I see, there is the other wall? My stuffed dog, here are hid! Already Enzo goes for you :-)
What it got so dark?
About me .. I do not know a dirty word that best captures what I think !!!!!!
but turned a blind door. Why not try to smell his breath, what with the fact that so many times before anything came of it? You need to have an optimistic approach to life. Vacuum limit my access to the cracks in which I could put the nose, but I have to push the door on their way to be opened. Are you sure you took a bag? Perhaps only after the list came down? That's not optimism, it is naive ..
I know, I lay for a moment and think, maybe some idea he would come into my head.
But the cramped, dark and smells of the food so much and is out of reach.
In fact, it is dark as it sleeps .. is now on the other side I turn .. such luxury after all here I can afford. It could be worse, after all, hmm, something tells me that there is not less a place where I could block than where I'm sitting.
What to think that the time run faster? Maybe on the glacier? There was a space, and yet I need it now :-). Oh yes ... sleep is good for everything.

-Enzusiu, I am.
I dream it, well I heard that someone finally appeared at home?

-Enzo, Enzo .. oh poor thing probably happened in the bedroom zatrzasnąłeś .. as I saw that so it blows, it is worried that this may happen.
Ha ha ha .. what a joke ..

-You're not here .. Enzo Enzusiu where you hid ...
hid, well .. lying between the boxes and vacuum, I am calm and I'm waiting, waiting, waiting ...

- There you are ... I'm so sorry ..
And I have not :-)) Hurrrrrrrra I'm already on the loose!

Ap Bio Lab 4 Responses

Number 186 - Shelter "Know So Little (So Well)" break-exit

was their only a few. In a shoe box, worn, with the ascetic covers printed on home printer, no fancy titles, mostly marked only the date. Their content was often like a stew mixed fusion cuisine which draws inspiration from a dozen nations. Mixtapes. Cassette compilations.

I do not know if they recorded more than two dozen, a few hundred? Most appealed to friends and acquaintances. There were among them conceptual compilations, which guided there a simple idea, linking themes. Sometimes it turned out to be quite unintentionally zgrabnymi those logs szczenięco-high school "Wonder Years". Several of these mixtapeów recorded for the girls who fell into my eye. Out of sheer sympathy, without any evil plans in the background. Do not you believe it?

constantly looking for methods of transmutation of musical material in a perfect compilation. Without much success. Each compilation test after several listening sessions seemed to be inconsistent or incomplete. Rob's advice did not help with the "High Fidelity" - vary the pace, do not throw the works by the same artist, etc.. Finally given up on recording compilations. Once in a while just turn each one of those old cassettes to dogorywającym jamniku. So when I reach one of them, scroll a little to push forward and play ...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Take Me To Roseville Field Mall

Florence - the city of Leonardo and Mona Lisa

Florence is the icing on the cake of our trip:) This town has a very specific atmosphere and rich history - literally and figuratively. It is here that there is a famous Italian museum - Galleria degli Uffizi, which is visited by millions of tourists from around the world. There you can see the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Rembrandt and many others. I could not wait to visit this place, watching the interior, paintings and sculptures caused me lots of pleasure and joy. My aesthetic sense was dopieszczony to the limit:) The visit was preceded by hour wait in the queue - but it was not a no problem for me. Queue seems to be very long, but once it is recessed a large number of people, which makes fast moving forward. I also believe that price is very attractive - the ticket cost only 5.50 euros.
Florence has plenty of wonderful sights, the Cathedral of Our Lady of floral - Duomo, is impressive, next to the Palazzo Vecchio and Ponte Vecchio, of course. He surprised me by Michelangelo's David, because he is a giant, previously seen him in pictures, but still did not expect such a giant:) We
a little problem with parking, but we decided to leave the car in the area of \u200b\u200bMichelangelo Square, one of the streets of villas, of course, after buying a ticket in parkometrze. The drive to Florence post I wrote on the occasion of FIAT 500 .
Florence was the city where I saw the most stylish and cool dressed people. From my observation is that they were locals rather than tourists. In the end, not without reason, a great part of the images on The Sartorialist is done in Florence:)
weather was very variable during the walk through the Uffizi, we realized that the rain, then again the sun came out. I was wearing a denim jacket reliable GAP, leggings from H & M shirt, San Simeon, DESMO handbag, jewelry, and sandals RESERVED Zara.
post title came from the fact, as it is in Florence, Mona Lisa was created, the greatest work of Leonardo da Vinci. Anyone who love this picture, love this city too.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lip Piercing Canker Sore

I went with you to look around the construction site located at Europa Allee.
arise where new houses, hotels, squares, park, streets and metro will stretch.
I remember there seemed several months ago, the theory of chaos and a heap of sand or earth.
Now, everything starts to look like that you can imagine how it will look when finished.
My favorite is running after such a wasteland, a place where sand, gravel, dug some holes and pits.
last week in a regional TV was shown to save such small lizards from the site. Mr. excavator attacked the earth and other employees naruszonym passage of these lizards visually searched and then arrested many hands them. All captured were placed in a container and transferred to a new location where they were longer safe.
Inspection here ..
and between the barracks.
And finally, you can run a report to pass :-)
I walk around a new piece of street:
can not do without testing benches :-)
pleasant Now comes after this part of the city, because on weekends and evenings there is empty, maybe sometimes some curious person there pokręci.
I most look forward to the park, which is here also appear. I wonder whether it would be similar to our own, bigger, less so maybe there'll meet a new friend or colleague?

How To Immunization Record Ontario

In anticipation ... Colouring

waiting for the water to the previous scene start a new project, go back a bit in time to 1939. Polish historri
period, which so often neglected in the modeling topics, which is a pity. In the flood szkopopodobnych
esefów, iraków or other fancy me with his stick to the theme in a series.
Scene - betraying no secrets, but I think quite interesting - though not dead / fight.
usual situation which can not be avoided on the battlefield. Until
buried in a horse from the M model `a, piechurze from Adalbertus` ai pancerniaku the Warriors `a.
whole time during painting, and today they are like this:

7TP course and find a place in the scene, first I need to glue it. One has already awkward - DW - it was not for pleasure. So adding

pity that the UK company that produces this model does nothing towards its improvement (quality)
deters buyers not the price, and just jakość.Ohydny rubbery plastic - has changed even were to bring a lot of material. Correcting
own shortcomings would give a second life to noble 7TP, and a large financial injection itself. I think at least in the country have found a large group of buyers abroad, the rest also. There
modelers knowledge about this little car, but it better!
Additionally, we have a very talented crowd of builders models from scratch. Peek
could work even for a glass of Jared. His pursuit tank, or last job Bold.
surprised me as well, with just the home companies do not make contact with these, I was very surprised.

Yours RJ

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Can Purple Nurples Do Harm

obligatory point in the tour of Tuscany Siena is without doubt. Legend has it that the city was founded by descendants of Remus - so we can see many sculptures there, the she-wolf with young boys, which so often associated with Rome. The most interesting places to see the Cathedral (Duomo) and the baptistery and the bell tower, Piazza del Campo (the place where every year there is a horse race Palio di Siena - which is compulsory in homes watching all Italians:)) Palazzo Pubblico and the Basilica of San Domenico. Of course I am an advocate of looking for other interesting places on your own - so I recommend a walk through the narrow streets of Siena in search of less crowded places.
In Siena we had no problem finding a convenient parking space close to the center left the car at the parking garage, which does not cost much. Thence straight to the main monuments led us escalators - the center is located on a high hill.
I believe that okres w jakim byliśmy w Toskanii był idealny do zwiedzania, ponieważ pogoda była w sam raz, a miasta nie były zatłoczone. Oczywiście było sporo turystów, ale wolę nie wyobrażać sobie co dzieje się tam w sercu sezonu letniego :).
Po spacerze udaliśmy się na kawę do jeden z kawiarenek przy Palazzo Pubblico, gdzie poprosiłam kelnerkę o drobny deser. Dostaliśmy talerzyk słodkości, który kosztował nas prawie 7 euro ;), Pani poinformowała nas, że to lokalne przysmaki, panforte. Według mnie ciasteczka te były średnio smaczne, ale spróbować było trzeba :)
Nie wrzucam już zdjęć swojego costume, because we were there the same day as the Chianti. I promise that in the next post I'll show you something new:)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Chronotherm Iv Plus Cooling?

in Mont Saint-Michel on the balcony

Another interesting place I saw in Normandy, Mont Saint-Michel.
I felt it would be something interesting on this day :-)
First, we were on a meal, but this topic was already, even though you write about food endlessly :-).
In any case, then a little pokręciliśmy on the beach, and there's like this sign:
The closer you can see that the prohibition is only for dogs the following breeds: Pitbull, Rottweiler, American Staffordshire terrier, boer bull and Tosa Inu. Also
I tried to make a menacing face, but no one is scared .. another thing that was quite empty. Season dejeuner, all pałaszowali so some goodies :-)

reached the goal.

This place is besieged by tourists unless throughout the year. I most enjoyed the outdoors, or just the view from the parking areas.
Although, as has already missed the all the narrow and congested streets, wdrapało up the infinite number of steps and stairs, it seemed to view it. Amazing space on each side:
In Polish with Mont Saint-Michel:

The buildings of the abbey, not everyone has However, access ..
In such situations, size matters, a replica fits in your pocket and you enter wherever they want :-)
the fig tree I saw this bird, do not know whether a sparrow or some other bird, but it looked nice:

And after exploring further action "dinner", but before I find somewhere cozy place with good food while posing
next day was only a comeback, by Paris, but sat in a backpack all the way :-)