Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can I Jerk Off With A Uti

Poles in the Netherlands Antilles

I wanted to wait a bit on this topic, but that's what the Poles are having a the past few days in Holland, he begins to pass all bounds. Dutch this could open the Poles do not speak. But the media do not leave a dry thread on them ...

At first praised as a good, reliable workers who, unlike some other ethnic immigrants want to integrate with Dutch society, today they are investing more on the black list. Poles living in the Netherlands, mainly because of his fondness for alcohol, from one day to worsen its image.

few years ago, the Poles have mentioned are rare ... ot, from time to time some drunk individual slalom drove by the highway tudziez was messing up his car with other cars or rode in another car ... Another time, was found dead in a park, a Pole who was known that it is not flooded by the collar ... Ensolv trinkets.

In the past two years, while the Poles "be crazy." In March 2009, the Dutch media, there is information about the murder of 33-year old Pole in The Hague. It turned out that He was assassinated by his compatriots, one of which (then 21-year old) was immediately arrested in October 2009 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. The second killer, wanted international arrest gończym, effectively hiding until Friday, 28 January 2011. Apparently the same reported to the police (the cops had to be pretty surprised.) The process will take place in the coming days.
In September 2009 he forgot to stop drunk Pole and almost drove into a canal in The Hague. "Parked" in the third over the water police found him, who helped him get out of the car and took him to the police station.

Source: www.nu.nl

Then, quite "popular" phenomenon in the Dutch media were tipsy (if not drunk), the Poles, who tried to run across the highway (???). Such cases were few, no one knew exactly why they did it. I only know that none of them survived.
Another 28-year-old Pole (as it turned out - under the influence of alcohol and drugs), searching in July 2010, short cuts, drove his BMW to the railroad tracks in Heemskerk and headed towards Alkmaar. When he noticed the approaching train, a car on the tracks, which led to the collision. Removed a few hours of destruction and damage to the train resulted in considerable losses of the Dutch railways. Therefore, the Poles must now pay the 9,304.84 euros in damages. Posiedzi and 18 months in prison (previously sentenced to 2.5 years).
W sobotę 29 stycznia br., późnym wieczorem, w salon mieszkania emerytów w Noordwijk wbił się samochód z polskimi (wodzisławskimi) tablicami rejestracyjnymi. Znów stało się głośno o Polakach, mimo że do końca nie wiadomo kto był sprawcą, bo z miejsca wypadku zbiegł. Zdjęcia samochodu ukazały się w niemal wszystkich holenderskich gazetach. Głównie dlatego, że nie obyło się bez ofiar... Na miejscu zginął 78-letni mieszkaniec domu. Jego 76-letnia partnerka w ciężkim stanie trafiła do szpitala. Akcja poszukiwawcza trwa...
UPDATE: Podobno zatrzymano 38-letniego mężczyznę (polskie obywatelstwo) suspected of causing the accident. He lives in the area. Specific details were not yet disclosed - Police trying to determine whether he is actually sitting behind the wheel of a car.

No wonder that in the Dutch temporary employment agency circulates the black list, which includes the names of people who "should be considered." These offices are mutually warn of problematic employees, while trying to prevent them from changing jobs easily. Employment agencies apply tougher criteria for recruitment of Polish workers. They mostly prefer people who have already established a family. According to them, they are characterized by a greater sense of responsibility. Workers who frequently change jobs, they have less confidence.

Which Poles are coming to Holland?

Apart from these few individuals who have come here to start a family, integrate, learn the language, provide social, proudly talk about Poland, they have a steady job - individuals immigrating to the Netherlands on the so-called counting. good luck.

Stereotyped announcement on the work as follows:

Hey, I'm looking for work, I have experience in sorting (listed fruit and vegetables), shear (the types of flowers), and cleaning *. Will take up any work right away (with accommodation). I know the English language communicative. I sofinummer, Dutch account. I do not know the Dutch language. Give me a job!
* or housing finishes, painting, repairs, etc..

top of this predominantly Polish phone number, the weight of spelling errors and horrible picture ... The easy way out ...

Finally, maybe some positives: you see the Dutch police recently resigned from the shares catching drunken Polish drivers. The reason? Polish stayed the same as driving under the influence of the Dutch. However, it may be an opportunity to improve the image ..?


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