Thursday, January 20, 2011

What's Best For Pregnant Women Stretch Marks

De Nationale IQ-test ... Momo

\u0026lt; \u0026lt;for Angielski version please scroll down>>

I know I was supposed to be on Sundays in supermarkets ... It will be about something else. A little off-topic. "

Above this, What IQ is, I will not be derived: P Well, yesterday, late in the evening, was held in the Netherlands De Nationale IQ -test (after naszymu "National IQ test). The program was aired by public broadcaster ( nederland1 ) and run "live" by the famous (Dutch), television presenters: Patrick Lodiers'a and Valerio Zeno. Since this test is the assumption is not serious (entertaining?), The studio invited different groups of Dutch community and representatives of the Dutch "stars." Thus, in the studio were the following groups:
  • Oh Oh Cherso fans (fans of the popular reality show " Cherso Oh Oh", as I wrote earlier),
  • deelnemers aan talentenjachten (participants involved in so-called programs. the search for talent),
  • Yogafreaks (hmm. .. you need a comment?)
  • Social media nerds (Fejzbuków dependent on, our classes , ajfonów, etc..)
  • Larpers ( Live Action Role Players - read our RPG-sheep).
And the "stars":
  • Elize Kruuk (Oh Oh Cherso ...),
  • Manuela Kemp (singer and presenter),
  • Dries Roelvink (singer, openly admits that the completed only primary education),
  • Marc Dik (TV presenter),
  • Marc de Hond (TV presenter, writer, leader of the national wheelchair basketball team),
  • Shary-An Nivillac ( The Voice of Holland )
  • Arijan van Bavel (not very handsome singer and actor),
  • Thijs Willekes ( beautyexpert ).
Before going to the rest of the post, after reading the above snippets, wytypujcie which group and which of the stars is the highest, which has the lowest IQ of ... : P To help you realize I'll just add that at the very beginning the presenters asked the audience and the experts (comely Ms. Margriet Sitskoorn , a neuropsychologist and professor at the University of Tilburg, and the monkey, whose name I do not remember) at first. Were chosen Yogafreaks and Mr. Marc de Hond ...

test can be done in two ways: 1 conventional paper or 2 The electronic version of one that was completed on an ongoing basis (so-called "live" - \u200b\u200bnot quite burned out, because a lot of Dutch people have trouble logging in to the application, an alternative to the test site was opened and has already announced during the test).

test consisted of 57 questions, divided into five main parts:
  1. verbal intelligence (synonyms, antonyms),
  2. logic
  3. spatial vision,
  4. memory
  5. numerical intelligence.
Each question could be choose one of four possible answers. Time to answer was, depending on the difficulty questions, between 5 and 15 seconds, although in some cases and it proved to be too short ...

But the thing ... as I did not have anything better to do, I decided to join the national game. Even I felt a kind of enthusiasm, accompanied by simple curiosity. Of course, after twelve attempts to log on to applications done with pen and paper, but it is not cool with the lid of my enthusiasm. Zgasiło it was only the first question, which I understood only the command: "Which of these words is NOT a synonym ...?"... Exactly. Neither this nor the words of the answers are not completely understood and did not even tried to understand. I decided that in this category lubego trust my answers. As it turned out, was not entirely a good thing, because he did not know the correct answers (all questions): P
When it came time to synonyms antonyms, anagrams, idioms and sayings. This, fortunately, was much better, but I'm becoming less I understood from all this: P Then we went to the following category: logic. Here there are syllogisms, analogies, and trimmed images to form a logical whole. Numerical intelligence was tested as a third: a combination of numbers (1 to A, M 13 is that of forming the word XYZ), which number does not match in a row, counting the memory, the task of text and fractions. After the numbered questions have arisen about spatial vision (puzel not match the number of blocks creates a figure, the mirror image of words, tracing the customer in a supermarket, which sometimes abruptly changing his mind ...) - reportedly pushover for women) Finally, we checked our memory, watching brief, often funny videos from jutube and answering questions (for details!), as well as trying to remember what someone said or what happened at the beginning / in the middle of the program ( for example, kicked a cameraman - as it turned out it was intentional, because the test was the penultimate question as he has a name).
sum up - if you do not know the language and culture, is the idiot in this country: Q What does not change the fact that I played a good attempt to answer these questions:) The only observation about the program is that it took a little long. In particular, the administration dragged the answer, where the guy was reading all the questions and answers a, b, c, d, plus a moment of uncertainty for overclocking atmosery ... But the evening entertainment can be considered as credited;)

And now the answer to my question:
  • Highest IQ proved to be Social media nerds (118 points)
  • lowest, predictably, Oh Oh Cherso fans (107 points)
  • has the highest IQ (at not mistaken) Marc de Hond (131 points)
  • lowest Shary-An Nivillac (all 81 points)
average IQ of people participating in the fun wynósł 110 (109 women, men 111). Average.

So much by way of Dutch IQ:) Time to return to daily episodes of QI for a change;)

----------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------

I know, it was supposed to be about Sundays in the supermarkets, but I've decided to put in between a small "off -topic. "

About what the IQ is I (assume) not have to write this much. Yesterday, late in the evening, in the Netherlands took place De   Nationale IQ-test  (translation not needed(?)). The program was broadcasted 'live' by the public channel ( nederland1 ) and hosted by well known (to the Dutch) TV presenters:  Patrick Lodiers  and Valerio Zeno. Because this program was not meant to be too serious (entertainment?), different groups of the Dutch society as well as some representatives of the Dutch 'celebrities' were invited to the studio. You could find there following groups:

  • Oh Oh Cherso fans  (fans of the popular reality show mentioned before),
  • Deelnemers aan talentenjachten  (the participants of the programs that are searching for 'talented' people),
  • Yogafreaks  (no comment necessary),
  • Social media nerds  (addicted to the FBs, iPhones, Twittering, etc.),
  • Larpers  ( Live Action Role Players ).
And celebrities:
  • Elize Kruuk  ( Oh Oh Cherso ...),
  • Manuela Kemp  (singer and TV presenter),
  • Dries Roelvink  (singer, openly admitting to the fact that he did finish only the primary school),
  • Marc Dik  (TV presenter),
  • Marc de Hond  (TV presenter, writer, leader of the national wheelchair basketball team),
  • Shary-An Nivillac  ( The Voice of Holland ),
  • Arijan van Bavel  (not so handsome actor and singer),
  • Thijs Willekes  (" beautyexpert ").
Before you will read the rest of the post, a small task for you: after reading the short descriptions above, make a guess which one of the groups and of the stars has the highest, and which one the lowest IQ... :P To make things a bit more easy for you, I will reveal that at the beginning of the show the hosts did ask the audience and the experts (pretty miss  Margriet Sitskoorn , a neuropsychologist and professor at the University of Tilburg; and a monkey whose name I cannot recall) about the first thing.  Yogafreaks  and mr  Marc de Hond were chosen...

The test could be done in two ways: 1. traditional paper version or 2. electronic version, which could be filled in on an ongoing basis (so called "live", but it did not completely work out since a lot of the Dutch had problems with logging in to the application; an alternative website with the test was launched and announced only when the test was already in progress).

The test consisted of 57 questions divided into five main parts:
  1. verbal intelligence,
  2. logic,
  3. spatial visualization ability,
  4. memory,
  5. numerical intelligence.
For each question you could choose from one of the four possible answers. The time to give an answer was set, depending on the difficulty of the question, between 5 and 15 seconds, although in some cases even those 15 seconds did appear to be too short...

But to the point... because I did not anything better to do that evening, I decided to join the national game. Moreover, I did feel some kind of enthusiasm, accompanied by simple human curiosity. Of course, after hundreds of attempts to log in to the application I had to finally use a paper and pen, but that did not cool down my enthusiasm. However, it was completely extinguished by the first question, of which I understood only the task: "Which of these words is NOT a synonym for...?"...exactly. Neither this one, nor the 4 answer-words I did not understand and I did not even try to do it. I've decided that in this category I will trust the answers of my bf. As it turned out later, it was not a completely good choice, since he also did not know (all of) the proper answers :P
After the synonyms there came the time for antonyms, anagrams, idioms and sayings. Fortunately, in those issues my bf was much better... but for me it was still a black magic :P Then we did move to another category: logic. Here syllogisms, analogies and putting the pictures in a logical order did appear. Numerical intelligence was tested as third: a combination of numbers (1 is A, 13 is M, which numbers do form the word XYZ..), which number does not match the rest in a row, mental calculation, text based math exercises and fractions. After the numbers, questions about the spacial visualization ability did arise (not-matching puzzel, how many blocks do create a default figure, the mirror image of a word, following a customer in a supermarket, who sometimes was changing his mind very suddenly...) - they did say it was supposed to be 'piece of cake' for women ;) And at the end we were checking our memory by watching short and usually very funny youtube videos and answering the questions (about details from the movie!) as well as trying to remind ourselves what somebody did say at the beginning/in the middle of the program (eg. a cameraman did fall on the ground - as it turned out later, it was done on purpose - we were supposed to memorise his name!).
Summing up - if you don't know the language and culture well, you can be an idiot in this country :P But it does not change the fact that I had a lot of fun when trying to answer those questions. The only remark to the program I have is that it was a bit too long. Especially long was giving the proper answers, because the guy was reading once again the whole text and all of the possible answers, plus then came the moment of uncertainty to create the tension... But all in all I can say that is was an entertaining evening ;)

And now the answers to my above mentioned questions:
  • The highest IQ appeared to have the  Social media nerds (118 )
  • The lowest IQ, predictably,  Oh Oh Cherso fans (107)
  • The highest IQ has (as the monkey did show)  Marc de Hond (131)
  • The lowest IQ -    Shary-An Nivillac (whole 81)
The average IQ level of the people participating in the program was 110 (women scored 109, men 111). That would be average.

That would be all about the Dutch IQ :) Now it's time to go back to daily episodes of  QI (for a change;).


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