Monday, January 3, 2011

Braun Buffel Wallets Cost


In the early excess of that due to the fact that my blog (trying to read;) read people not only Polish language, I decided to write posts both in the native language and English. It would take maybe a little more time than before, but (I think?) worth it.
For Angielski version - scroll down;)

What today ... Well, a supermarket,) the first post of the two planned, the next concern will be no changes implemented since January this year - namely, open stores on Sunday (in Enschede). But first, most women's favorite activity - shopping;)

As you know, life in the Netherlands should not be the cheapest, especially if you do not have permanent employment, so we have to deal as you can. We are in the comfortable position that we are surrounded by four closely located supermarket (competing), we have therefore, to choose from. Access to online folders even helps us to understand, plus we do not put unnecessary waste. At the beginning of each week since they opened a magazine, doing a list of things that are affordable (lower,) the price and then embarks on a "conquest" of shops. Thus, you can save on eating it is not necessarily giving up, or tossing them on the cheap, domestic brands;) The real "salvation" is a phenomenon called " Hamsterweken ", literally weeks hoarding, occurring in only one store, whose name is sponsored by the letters " A" and "H ." In the weeks these 50 selected articles are available in the following promotion: buy one thing, the second you get a gift, ie. "2e Free! ." Oddly enough, at the time of emergence of this phenomenon, suddenly other markets around the praise of such promotions, but only Hamsterweken are genuine, unique advertising *:

What can I purchase this week? Well, often these items, which normally would not have touched, because they are too expensive. During the week, hoarding, they become cheaper by half, and instead of paying 40 euros for purchases, you pay only 20 ( example shopping today;)
But, but ... so it was not too easy, the customer must have a card with magical bonus scribbles " A" and "H " which has to identify himself for the said discount. Without the card has no mercy and you have to pay full value. We were once witnessed such an event, when members of the student body did a great shopping (a week hoarding). When the lady cashier politely asked for a Bonus Card, the men responded that unfortunately do not have. Then the lady cashier politely informed them that, unfortunately, in this case will have to pay the entire value ... My fingers trembled with the PIN wstukiwaniu face was so pale some;)
No but the thing ... The Netherlands is such a country where life can be "luxury" for a decent price as far as :) You just have to wait patiently for the appearance of the hamsters on TV and do a bit of space in spiżarkach / basement / lockers / etc. ;)


At the beginning I would like to thank you for reading my blog, even though the translator is quite g00gle sh * tty and the outcome of it's translation does not make Often bigger sense. That is why I've decided to write my blog also in. Angielski (I was writing it mostly in Polish Because of my friends and family members, who are not so good in this language and prefer to read it in. Their mother tongue).

What is today's topic? Supermarkets, of course. First post of two planned - the next one will be a short comment on changes that came into force on 1st January this year, and that is opened supermarkets on Sundays (in Enschede). But first, a favourite activity of majority of the women - shopping ;)

It is commonly known, that life in the Netherlands is not cheap. Especially when you don't have a fixed job it can be difficult sometimes, that is why you have to find a way to cope with it. Luckily we are in this comfortable position, that we are surrounded by four (competing) supermarkets within walking distance. Therefore we have choice. What helps us even more, is an access to the online folders, which also prevents us from unnecessary paper waste. What you have to do, is to open the folders at the beginning of each week, write down things you need and that are in affordable price and then go "conquer" the shops ;) Thus, you can save on food without having to buy less or switching to cheaper home-brands. The biggest "salvation" is a phenomenon called " Hamsterweken " - weeks of hoarding, that occur only in one shop, whose name is sponsored by the letters " A " and " H ". In these weeks 50 selected articles are available in the following promotion: buy one thing, the second you will get as a present, so so called " 2e gratis! ". Strangely enough, at the time of emergence of this phenomenon, other markets (suddenly) also boast about the same kind of promotions, but only " Hamsterweken " have a real, unique advertisement*, which you can see above.

What can you buy in this week? Well, often those articles which normally you would not touch, because they are way too expensive. During the hoarding week they become 50% cheaper, therefore instead of paying e.g. €40 for your shoppings, you pay "only" €20. Makes a difference ;)

But... not to make it too easy, the customer must have with him a Bonus Card with magical letters " A " and " H ", which he has to use to obtain the above mentioned discount. Without that card there is no mercy and you have to pay the full amount. We once witnessed such a situation, when members of a students' organization ( Aldentis) did do a huge (beer) shopping (in the hoarding week of course). When the cashier did ask politely for a Bonus Card, the guys responded, that unfortunately they do not have it. Then the cashier politely informed them that, unfortunately, in this case they will have to pay the whole amount. Their fingers trembled when they were entering their PIN and their faces were kind of pale... ;)

But to the point ... The Netherlands is a country, Where You Can Live "luxurious" for a quite decent price:) The only thing you have to to is to wait Patiently for the appearance of hamsters on TV and prepare a bit of space in your storage / basement / lockers / etc. ;)

* Only the shop is so rich and abundant store chain has to themselves to such "national" advertising allowed.
* Only this shop is so rich and has so many shops, That Is Able to afford a dry nation-wide campaign.


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