Thursday, December 16, 2010

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Manifestation in Enschede

Today at 15.45 in Enschede, the students began the demonstration under the slogan " Kenniscrisis ." About the same share I mentioned in my last post, today I want to mention about how this manifestation was organized and what was happening. By the way I learned today that the initiative movement Kenniscrisis "Derives from Enschede. It's in the interest;)
action has been appropriately promoted through a network of student organizations that have sent emails to their members, and through the popular social networking site Fejzbuk, which created a group called" Grote manifestatie op de Oude Markt . "All the universities in the city were engaged in it. Saxion University was even at that time ordered the Rector's consultation hours to allow students to participate in the action.

Top demonstrations

Demonstration, funded by " Student Union" was organized, must admit, very well. Participants were given red umbrellas, which are unfortunately not We got;), scarves with the logo " Kenniscrisis " and badges. In addition, the Oude Markt rozstawiono surrounded the main stage young kramikami with free food (hot dogs, pea soup, tomato soup) and drink (mulled wine, hot chocolate), supported by members of the local student organizations. The only thing I can attach a sound that was far too loud (unless they wanted them heard in nearby towns) and of the weather, what a moment. The students turned up, filled the whole market, brought banners (one girl had a banner with the text: "I will stay prostitute, to be able to finance your studies ). He greeted them outside the person who conducts the course, party chairman GroenLinks - Henk Nijhof . After the official ceremony the band played, which "wyrapowała" their views on the "stupid idea of \u200b\u200bgovernment." Then appeared on the stage rector of the University of Twente - Prof. dr. H. (Ed) Brinksma, and the mayor of the city - Peter den Oudsten . The role of men was mainly to praise the students for organizing action, admiration, that they appeared so numerous in such weather and encourage them to participate in the January demonstration in The Hague. All this was punctuated from time until the cries of " kenniscrisis " in the background played a good, party music.

Souvenir of demonstrations;)

This interesting demonstration but quickly ended (about 17:00) by a sudden (though expected) snowstorm that hit the city. Snow mixed with rain was very unpleasant, and in addition, the rapidly marzł, which is why most of the students to spread home (or went on a bike - slowly, carefully and, if possible without braking - it's the only way to safely return home without unnecessary dump: /). I'll just add that yesterday the sun was shining, the roads were passable, and it was as warm. Oh, the irony of nature.
Nevertheless - congratulations to the organizers:)


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