Friday, December 31, 2010

Sample Disconnecting Internet Services

3rd .. 2nd .. 1st ..

Happy New Year! :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cruise Spots In Sacramento


Despite the lack of a strong tradition of Christmas, the Dutch form a Christmas song. Christmas songs on the "Last Christmas", that is definitely not-carols. Just a simple song.
One of these songs, which not so long ago became a Christmas hit in the Netherlands, is " Flappie . "The song was written in 1985 by comedian Youp'a van 't Hek'a and he talks about the past experience of the author, which firmly cemented in his (and others) Memory:

That was in 1961, on Christmas morning, I remember it well, my rabbit cage was empty. My mother forbade me to go to the clipboard (for bicycles), and promised that, as I will politely entertain, I get something good. I also do not know where Flappy can hide. She said, that will ask my dad, but he was busy with something on the clipboard (for bicycles). I had another hour or so by the same rabbit look. Rabbit for sure somewhere along the grass runs.

R: "But I closed the cage just as I do every night. Last night he even went back to check. I do not know why I did it, long before the cage stood, though I already knew what I know now. "

It was Christmas Day 1961, we were looking Flappie also looking for my dad with me. I've looked in the woods, over water, but not in the clipboard (for bicycles). "But there certainly will not sit." I nodded. We looked together, until the coffee. Family with coffee, but I had no desire. I thought about Flappie'm and the fact that the night will be cold and may freeze. Drooping head, tears of sorrow.

R: "But I closed the cage ..."

It was Christmas Day 1961, was loudly while eating, but I did not care. I thought about my Flappie'm, about my own little Flappie'm. Where could he run? I could not swallow. Then, after the soup, main dish came. My dad jokingly said, "See Youp, here is your Flappie." I saw a silver brytwankę, and her rabbit in three parts. For the first time I looked at my father as the man's horrible!

I ran kicking and screaming to the bed, I spent the first hour crying. Once again, I stood on top of the stairs, cursing and shouting, "Flappie was my !!!". Again, I stood at the window long before the cage. But the cage was empty ...

It was Boxing Day 1961, my mother remembers it well. Dad's bed was empty. I told her that she can not fall to the clipboard (for bicycles). And I like going to play, he will receive something good ...

------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

This year someone the construction company decided to use the theme Flappie'go for your ad. The effect can be seen here:

Monday, December 20, 2010

Soap Taste In Mouth Pregnancy

Season Christmas Card

So began a season of intense unsubscribe, sealing, addressing, Sending and receiving Christmas cards. Even in the Netherlands, where a semblance of Christmas does not exist (except where noted two days in the calendar, designed for a family vacation), the institution will send postcards to the next is doing well. In these pages you will not find anything about the blessing of God, the birth of Dzieciny, the star of Bethlehem, etc.. We have a simple, clean, simple wishes "nice holidays 'and' healthy next year." There's always something;)
Why do I write this post? Well, I wanted to share with you strange experience: the first card that we found in our letterbox was intended not for us but for our ... cat. Yes, the cat *. Who remember about our cat? Well vet. Ms. vet, who not so long deprived of our pet's every bit ...
very surprised and amused by the fact of receipt of this paper, allowed ourselves to a rather ironic joke at the "wręczaniu" her to our cat, Mrs vet when printing cards pobrzękiwała the cat probably a little bit in the jar, muttering "jingle balls, jingle balls ...". Fortunately the cat pretended not to understand, and He loves us more (probably secretly planning a quiet revenge;)
And here's the card:

"Practice Veterinary Blom wishes you
nice holidays and full of love 2011 "

---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------
* course, this is a joke, a piece of it was intended for us, but the whole situation seemed to be very funny;)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wedding Welcome Flex Board Designs

Manifestation in Enschede

Today at 15.45 in Enschede, the students began the demonstration under the slogan " Kenniscrisis ." About the same share I mentioned in my last post, today I want to mention about how this manifestation was organized and what was happening. By the way I learned today that the initiative movement Kenniscrisis "Derives from Enschede. It's in the interest;)
action has been appropriately promoted through a network of student organizations that have sent emails to their members, and through the popular social networking site Fejzbuk, which created a group called" Grote manifestatie op de Oude Markt . "All the universities in the city were engaged in it. Saxion University was even at that time ordered the Rector's consultation hours to allow students to participate in the action.

Top demonstrations

Demonstration, funded by " Student Union" was organized, must admit, very well. Participants were given red umbrellas, which are unfortunately not We got;), scarves with the logo " Kenniscrisis " and badges. In addition, the Oude Markt rozstawiono surrounded the main stage young kramikami with free food (hot dogs, pea soup, tomato soup) and drink (mulled wine, hot chocolate), supported by members of the local student organizations. The only thing I can attach a sound that was far too loud (unless they wanted them heard in nearby towns) and of the weather, what a moment. The students turned up, filled the whole market, brought banners (one girl had a banner with the text: "I will stay prostitute, to be able to finance your studies ). He greeted them outside the person who conducts the course, party chairman GroenLinks - Henk Nijhof . After the official ceremony the band played, which "wyrapowała" their views on the "stupid idea of \u200b\u200bgovernment." Then appeared on the stage rector of the University of Twente - Prof. dr. H. (Ed) Brinksma, and the mayor of the city - Peter den Oudsten . The role of men was mainly to praise the students for organizing action, admiration, that they appeared so numerous in such weather and encourage them to participate in the January demonstration in The Hague. All this was punctuated from time until the cries of " kenniscrisis " in the background played a good, party music.

Souvenir of demonstrations;)

This interesting demonstration but quickly ended (about 17:00) by a sudden (though expected) snowstorm that hit the city. Snow mixed with rain was very unpleasant, and in addition, the rapidly marzł, which is why most of the students to spread home (or went on a bike - slowly, carefully and, if possible without braking - it's the only way to safely return home without unnecessary dump: /). I'll just add that yesterday the sun was shining, the roads were passable, and it was as warm. Oh, the irony of nature.
Nevertheless - congratulations to the organizers:)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How To Fill A Jeep Cherokee


In recent days, students in the Netherlands have become very active. From time to time organized some smaller or larger demonstration, there are many Facebook groups and websites calling to join the movement under the slogan " Kenniscrisis ." The reason? Budget cuts have touched not only the immigrants, as I mentioned in one of the previous posts, but also students.
yet in the Netherlands, the matter was as follows: as a student at (Dutchman or a person with permission to stay in the Netherlands) any direction, to be sure you pay for your studies around 1600 euros per year, but you have the right to so. " studiefinanciering ," or student allowance paid by the government. It has the following form:
- basisbeurs (basic subsidy) - jest bezzwrotny ("prezent") w przypadku kiedy student zakończy studia w przeciągu 10 lat. Jeżeli studia się przedłużą o kolejne lata, student musi spłacić wszystko, co od rządu otrzymał. Wysokość basisbeurs  zależy od sytuacji mieszkaniowej studenta (mieszka z rodzicami czy sam). Basisbeurs  student traci po upływie planowego czasu jego studiów, ale może dalej brać kredyt studencki, który już będzie do spłacenia.
- studenten OV-chipkaart (karta na transport publiczny) - transport za darmo w ciągu tygodnia lub w weekend (do chosen by the student), on the other days of the student discount of 40%. The student loses the card when it expires basisbeurs . If it does not return in time, pay a fine of 136 euros per month. However, if you want to keep it, ask for a loan at 0 Euro (hmm). Studenten costs OV-chipkaart student does not return when the study ends in 10 years.
- AANVULLENDE Beurs (additional allowance) - for students whose parents have low wages. It is a credit that can be later partially redeem, if not exceed the annual earnings of about 35,000 euros.
- rentedragende Lening (interest-bearing loan) - a loan which, in its entirety must be returned. It is generally low interest rates and on favorable terms.
- collegegeldkredit - a loan to pay off rentedragende Lening ;)

What is now going on with " kenniscrisis ? Well, beauty Rutte (8 years, he studied a 4-year program *)-Verhagen (student under 11 years *) wants to reduce spending on education, including higher education. Drastically. The project is as follows: from the above subsidizing students 'gift' is to be limited only to a "Bachelor". Those who want to be master and do not have money, they must take rentedragende Lening and pray about it, managed to complete their studies within 10 years. Ambitious, who necessarily want to fight for the title of doctor, would take some work on the side to be able to repay rentedragende Lening (money from them rather PhD It is not enough.) In the Netherlands, because there is no option to "jump" to the level of Masters and PhD Bachelorze doing what can be found for example in the UK (available for outstanding students.) Next: Those who do not wyrobili the studies in the scheduled time (plus 1 year "forgiven") must also pay a penalty for too many studies (for whatever reason) of 3000 euros per year and lose their OV card, and the university pays for their punishment for the same amount. This strikes particularly hard at engineering students, whose program is often very difficult and requires more time.

"Netherlands country knowledge (that is what they want to be),
ambitions in the trash (what actually happens)"

Given the current conditions under which the Dutch may have to finance their studies, the change is huge and very unfavorable for them. Many experts raise the alarm: the program of government can discourage young people to study engineering, which for the Netherlands could end badly (for example, now missing informatyków). 
Z polskiej perspektywy moglibyśmy powiedzieć, że nic złego przecież się nie dzieje. Norma - jak się nie wyrobisz w planowanym czasie swoich studiów, bierzesz płatny warunek. Powinno motywować... (?). W Holandii wzbudza to jednak powszechne oburzenie. Dlaczego? Tutaj musiałby się holenderski student wypowiedzieć.

Następna większa manifestacja, na którą również zostałam zaproszona, odbędzie się w Hadze 21 stycznia. Czy coś im to da? Czas pokaże.

* At the time when men and Verhagen Rutte yet studied, all loan was regarded as a "gift." Today, the two men are the authors of the above. changes and are committed to their implementation.